Agroswiss Tutorial

Getting started with creating your website is easy. Knowing a few basics will help you with this.

log in

To log into your website, use your email and password that you received when you registered. As soon as you are logged in, you can change the password, make basic settings, create and edit articles and make other settings.

Your website is actually two separate pages. The website (Shop Panel SP ) is what your website visitors will see. Admin can access Provider Panel AP and manage the page.

Create an article

Once you are logged in, a new menu will appear. To create a new item, click on the "Products" link in this menu.

The new item UI gives you many options, but all you have to do is click the plus sign at the top right of the page, add a title, and fill in the products, dates, and images. To make the products easy to find, enter the appropriate search terms. Then save - and now you can add the details to the product.

You can edit an existing article by clicking the gear icon.

Template, site settings and modules

You can change some site settings such as the site name and description by clicking on your name on the "Links" link at the top of the page.

You can also find advanced options for templates, website settings, modules and more in the products under Properties.

Please be patient and approach the creation of the products professionally and calmly. Thank you for your understanding if I haven't been able to cover all the questions. But I'm happy to help you at any time. You can reach me at any time, including off-peak hours from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on weekends on 062 929 05 32. Often it only takes very little help to continue. It is also possible to upload a demo article to your site. Simply send me your question or request to with the details of what you would like to have created. You are also welcome to ask your question here.

I wish you a good start with your new website.

your webmaster

Otto Ernie

You will find us at the Poststrasse 2 in CH-4923 Wynau

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