Payment options at agroswiss

We offer the most popular electronic payment methods in Switzerland, as well as Apple and Google Pay.

payment method description
Schnelle und sichere Bezahlung mit TWINT Fast and secure payment with TWINT :
Simply scan the QR code with the TWINT app or enter the short code and pay in a few seconds with your smartphone without a complicated card number.
Kreditkartenbezahlung mit VISA oder Mastercard Credit card payment with VISA or Mastercard:
Secure payment with your credit card thanks to SSL encryption via Ingenico, one of the most prominent European companies in the field of secure electronic payments.
Zahlung mit Ihrer PostFinance-Card Payment with your PostFinance card:
SSL encryption takes you directly and securely to the PostFinance website, where you can pay with your PostFinanceCard.
Zahlung über Ihr PostFinance-Konto Payment via your PostFinance account:
You will be securely directed to the PostFinance website with SSL encryption, where you can initiate the payment via your PostFinance account .
Zahlung über Ihr PayPal-Konto Payment via your PayPal account:
Pay safely and quickly with PayPal without having to enter your bank or credit card details for each payment. PayPal 's service is free.
Pay NEW with cryptocurrencies:
With Coinbase as a secure trading platform, you can pay in cryptocurrency easily and conveniently in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Bitcoin Cash, XRP, Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies your order on agroswiss.

If you are missing a payment option, please contact us or use our contact form right here!

Tel.: 062 929 05 32     Email:   Contact form: Please click here

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You will find us at the Poststrasse 2 in CH-4923 Wynau

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