From local production - order honey and jam online

Order online now and support regional suppliers, farm shops and beekeepers. Here you will find local and regional products that have been made with a lot of passion, love and traditionally by hand from local production.

Honey: The sweet source of energy

Are you a Swiss beekeeper and produce bee products? Bee honey and honey in general is very popular with agroswiss customers.

We are constantly looking for new beekeepers who produce bee products . They maintain and keep their own bee colonies and use and sell honey, blossom honey, forest honey, dandelion honey, Turkish honey, acacia honey, Manuka honey, fennel honey, Mänuka honey, honey and bee honey, taking into account the applicable hygiene and quality standards! Then become a supplier on agroswiss now.

Become a supplier on agroswiss now: Find out more here

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