

Otto Ernie
Poststrasse 2
CH-4923 Wynau


phone number:
+41 (0)62 929 05 32

+41 (0)79 418 98 71

Working hours of the online store consultants:

08:00 to 19:00

Monday to Sunday

How to reach us :

We are located near the Volg store in Wynau. When you are at the Volg store in 4923 Wynau, park there and you will see our yellow house. Walk in the direction of the crossing "approx. 50 meters" and you will see our entrance at Poststrasse 2 in 4923 Wynau. Call us on 062 929 05 32 if you need more information when you arrive in Wynau. We are looking forward to your visit.

You will find us at the Poststrasse 2 in CH-4923 Wynau

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