Jetzt kommt das Maggikraut auf den Tisch

May 14, 2022

Now the maggi herb is on the table

05/13/22 - (Pictures & Source © Mediendienst No. 3576)

Its spicy scent is reminiscent of a famous liquid spice and reaches our noses with the slightest gust of wind: lovage, also known as maggi herb. The spice herb is in season in Switzerland from May to August.

Jetzt kommt das Maggikraut auf den Tisch

Lovage also grows well in your own garden and does not require too much care. (ji)

Lovage is better known in Switzerland under the name "Maggikraut". The aromatic umbellifer was given its name because its taste is similar to that of the famous liquid spice. However, the recipe for Maggi Würze does not contain any lovage at all. The aroma of maggi herb is intense and characteristic and often catches the eye from afar. The herb is widespread in herb gardens in Switzerland and, with good care, can reach a height of up to 2 meters.

Lovage is a relatively hardy plant and tolerates temperatures down to -15°C. The plant originally comes from the Near East, where temperatures regularly fall below freezing. That's why its leaves are relatively large, shiny and robust - so they are more resistant to frost or bad weather. The leaf edges are serrated and the color of the leaves is light green. What is interesting is the phenomenon that the lower leaves sit on a stem, while the upper leaves are directly on the stem.

Important medicinal herb

Lovage has a relatively short flowering period from July to August. The yellow to yellow-green flowers grow in double umbels, with up to eleven flowers per umbel. An umbel can be imagined as an open umbrella, with the flowers sitting at the ends of the metal arms. Other well-known umbellifers are dill, coriander or goutweed.

With us, the Maggi herb in its wild form can only be found very rarely. It was probably more common in the past, as lovage was an important medicinal herb for many centuries. As early as the 1st century, Maggi herb found its way into the official register of medicines and in the 8th century into the "Liber de cultura hortorum", the official horticultural book of the time. It is interesting that lovage is already described as an important herb in the medicinal product directory.

A top spice when dried

Lovage is usually sown from the end of March to the end of April, preferably in a sunny to partially shaded spot. The umbellifer is not too demanding - you should only water it regularly and give it some organic long-term fertilizer or compost from time to time. If the plants are very tall, they can be supported with sticks.

After harvesting, the leaves of the Maggi herb can be used fresh or dried in the kitchen. The chopped leaves go well with fish dishes, in soups, stews or hearty meat dishes such as boiled meat. The medicinal effect of lovage is also used there: it supports our digestive processes. Important: Pregnant women and people with kidney problems should not eat lovage.