Thanks to our loyal customers and the constantly growing demand, we can offer our Wellsan products "Filter Cartridge and Carafe" at greatly reduced prices to match various carafes and other competitors, because we have found a reliable supplier who supplies us directly as a Swiss dealer without detours and network marketing etc.. We deliberately avoid expensive self-promotion in the packaging and send all Pro Clima Neutral products by Swiss Post.
Quantity discount on filters: unit price is CHF 34.90
Menge | Stk. Preis | Sie sparen |
ab 3 Stk. | 31,50 CHF | Bis zu 10,50 CHF |
ab 6 Stk | 29.65 CHF | Bis zu 31,50 CHF |
ab 9 Stk. | 27. 95 CHF | Bis zu 62,55 CHF |
You can find the carafes and filters in the category: Water filters & carafes
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