The fast-growing kohlrabi is one of the first vegetables to bring a breath of fresh air to the kitchen in spring.
Kohlrabi is a mysterious vegetable. Not only does it look unusual with its thick tuber, long stems and large leaves, it is also not clear where the plant came from. The Mediterranean region and Central Asia are suspected. Kohlrabi was first mentioned in Europe in the 16th century.
In Switzerland, vegetable gardeners planted kohlrabi on around 160 hectares in 2020. The Swiss eat a good 700 grams per capita every year.
Leaves contain more vitamins
Kohlrabi – often also called turnip cabbage in Switzerland – can be used in many ways and can range in color from greenish-white to blue-violet. It can be steamed, boiled, stuffed or served raw. Vegetables are particularly rich in vitamins when eaten raw. The kohlrabi gets its slightly sweet taste from essential oils.
Usually only the tuber is eaten. The leaves have it all and contain significantly more vitamins than the tuber itself.
The Swiss name Rübkohl and the Austrian turnip (watch out, that's what the turnip is called in northern Germany) make it clear: the bulbous kohlrabi is a cultivated cross between white turnip and wild cabbage. While the taste of kohlrabi is more reminiscent of the mild aroma of a turnip, it grows above ground like a cabbage. Botanically, kohlrabi belongs to cabbage.
Find locally produced kohlrabi on
Celery & Kohlraebli from Switzerland: Find Celery & Kohlräbli from our retailers here
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