Olive tree approx. 220 years old Winter hardy Circumference 110cm approx. 2 meters high (Olea europaea)
Visitation in Wynau: This olive tree will soon arrive in Switzerland. Please contact us to arrange a viewing appointment.
Olive tree approx. 220 years old Winter hardy Unfang110cm approx. 2Meter high (Olea europaea)
Olive trees bring a Mediterranean flair to your home. A sunny location is very important. Regular watering encourages growth (not over the leaves), avoid waterlogging at all costs. When transplanting into pots, use suitable substrate soil (e.g. container plant soil with a high mineral content). Protect from frost and frosty draughts during the winter months. Suitable for outdoor planting with light winter protection measures.
Winter hardiness:
The olive tree is hardy down to -18 °C outdoors and down to -10 °C in pots. To avoid frost damage, olive trees should be covered in good time. This can be easily achieved with a winter cover.
Location of the olive tree (Olea Europaea):
The olive tree needs plenty of sun and light. Therefore, the best location for an olive tree is in full sun. It needs sufficient water, so it is important that the soil is always slightly moist to prevent the olive tree from drying out. Due to these requirements, the olive tree should be planted outdoors and is not suitable for indoor use.
Care of the olive tree:
An olive tree requires a certain amount of care in order to grow well and keep its shape.
Water requirement:
The olive tree has an average water requirement. It is important that it does not dry out. A sign of too little water is that the leaves curl and eventually fall off. Too much water will cause the leaves to turn yellow/brown and also fall off. By regularly checking the soil moisture with your finger, you can determine whether the soil is too dry or too wet.
The best time to prune an olive tree is in spring. Pruning has two main advantages: Firstly, it preserves the beauty of the olive tree and restores its shape. Secondly, it is also very beneficial for the health of the tree. By pruning the branches, the olive tree has to use less energy and its vitality is improved. During pruning, dead branches are removed and up to 30% of the shoots at the top are cut back. This gives the olive tree a beautiful shape again and makes it stronger from the inside out.
Buying an olive tree is a big decision. Our dedicated customer service team is on hand to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the entire buying process. Whether you need tips on caring for olive trees, want information on different varieties or simply need recommendations for choosing the perfect olive tree for your space, we're here to help.
Just get in touch with us to clarify all the details. We look forward to helping you!
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